Technologies for the Enhancement of the Archeological Heritage

Your Organization: unior

Author: Bruno Genito

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The project has as its theme the development of technologies for the enhancement of the archeological heritage through the digital acquisition methodologies most used today in the Cultural Heritage sector, from photogrammetry with SfM algorithms to laser scanners, and through management systems of three-dimensional data such as 3D GIS and BIM.

The proposal aims to integrate interdisciplinary skills in the field of 3D digital survey, in the use of devices and platforms for the acquisition of remote-detected data and, finally, in the development of 3D models for proper management and enhancement of cultural heritage. The development of knowledge and skills in the field of technologies for archaeological survey promotes full integration with documentation operations and forms of data conservation, so that they comply with the international guidelines of authenticity, reliability and use. The University has already started collaborations with Tecno-In of Napoli and with the Analist Group srl of Avellino aime dat the development of aerial and terrestrial sensors for photogrammetric survey and management of information and architectural data using BIM. On the same issues, a collaboration is underway with the MAP laboratory of the CNRS in Marseille and the Starc of the Cyprus Institute. The results of the project will also be used in the TICHE National Technology Cluster in the area of specialization of Technologies for Cultural Heritage. Dr. Gilda Ferrandino and Dr. Dora D’Auria work on the project.

Project start date: 20/03/2020

Project end date: 20/03/2022