Galen’s “Commentary on Hippocrates’ «Officina Medici»”

Your Organization: L'Orientale University of Naples

Author: Tommaso RAIOLA

This research aims to produce the first critical edition, with Italian translation, notes, and indexes of Galen’s “Commentary on Hippocrates’ «Officina Medici»”, a work which is still lacking a scientific edition. This commentary, together with the ones on “De fracturis ” and “De articulis ” (both also needing a critical edition) forms a coherent trilogy commenting three of the Hippocratic treatises on the treatment of bone injuries, probably the most advanced operating field of ancient Hippocratic and Greek medicine. Lacking a treatise by Galen on surgery, the three commentaries are our main source on Hellenistic and imperial Graeco-Roman practice in a very important field of medicine.